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报告时间 2022年11月21日(周一)16:00-17:00 报告地点 腾讯会议ID:970-553-358,密码:123456
报告人 卞泽平

报告题目:Optimal Stopping for Pairs Trading Strategies

报 告 人:卞泽平 曼彻斯特大学





报告摘要:We consider a symmetric stochastic differential game where each player can control the diffusion intensity of an individual dynamic state process, and the players whose states at a deterministic finite time horizon are among the best of all states receive a fixed prize. Within the mean field limit version of the game we compute an explicit equilibrium, a threshold strategy that consists in choosing the maximal fluctuation intensity when the state is below a given threshold, and the minimal intensity otherwise. We show that for large n the symmetric n-tuple of the threshold strategy provides an approximate Nash equilibrium of the n-player game. We also derive the rate at which the approximate equilibrium reward and the best response reward converge to each other, as the number of players n tends to infinity. Finally, we compare the approximate equilibrium for large games with the equilibrium of the two-player case. This talk is based on the joint work with Stefan Ankirchner, Nabil Kazi-Tani and Julian Wendt.


上一篇:Fredholm Composition operators on Hardy-Sobolev spaces with bounded reproducing kernel

